12 ways from where you can take links to your site


Obtaining free backlinks for your website can significantly improve its visibility in search engines and increase traffic. Here are several effective methods to help you get free backlinks:

1. Web Directories

  • DMOZ (if operational in your region)
  • Yell.ru
  • Spravka.net

2. Guest Posts

  • Write articles for popular blogs in your niche. Include a link to your website in the article.
  • Use guest posting platforms such as MyBlogGuest or PostJoint.

3. Forums and Communities

  • Participate in discussions on forums and communities related to your niche.
  • Post links to your website in signatures or relevant topics.

4. Social Media

  • Create profiles and actively participate in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
  • Share links to your website in posts and comments.

5. Blog Comments

  • Comment on articles on blogs related to your niche and leave links to your website.
  • Ensure your comments are meaningful and helpful to avoid being marked as spam.

6. Questions and Answers Platforms

  • Participate in Q&A platforms like Quora, Reddit, Stack Exchange.
  • Answer questions related to your niche and include links to your website.

7. Article Directories

  • Publish articles in article directories such as EzineArticles, ArticleBase.
  • Include links to your website within the article text or the author bio.

8. Link Exchange

  • Find websites in your niche that are willing to exchange links.
  • Contact site owners and propose a link exchange.

9. Press Releases

  • Write a press release about your website or business and publish it on free PR platforms like PRLog or 24-7 Press Release.

10. Local Business Directories

  • List your website in local business directories such as Google My Business, Yandex.Spravochnik.

11. Social Bookmarking

  • Submit your website links to social bookmarking sites such as Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon.

12. Infographics

  • Create and share infographics. Infographics can attract backlinks from other websites that share your content.