In the competitive digital marketplace, catching your audience's attention feels like trying to capture smoke with your bare hands. But what if there was a way to cut through the noise, to reach your audience directly and effectively? We are here to guide you through the labyrinth of online advertising, beyond the titan that is Google Ads, and into a realm of equally compelling alternatives. With that said, let's explore the top five Google Ads alternatives in the USA.

1. Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft Advertising, formerly known as Bing Ads, holds the top spot. Despite Google's highest search engine market share, you can’t ignore search engines, like Bing, which stands at a respectable 1.1 billion users per month. An often overlooked fact is that Bing primarily powers Yahoo's search engine results.

While the lion's share of businesses direct their advertising efforts towards Google, Microsoft Advertising enjoys lower competition, leading to cost-per-clicks that are 33% less than Google Ads. This positions Microsoft Advertising as a preferred platform for those seeking cost-effective search ads.

With this ads platform, your ads will appear on sites on Bing and Yahoo, within the Microsoft partner network, and on all Microsoft devices. The platform also includes tools such as automated bidding, a keyword planner tool, and ad preview tool. Moreover, you get great targeting options that allow you to specify terms like geographical location, day, time, gender, age, and device. 

2. AdRoll

Stepping into the limelight as a formidable Google Ads alternative is AdRoll, a platform synonymous with retargeting prowess. AdRoll's reach is both broad and deep, spanning not only Google, but also Facebook, Instagram, and over 500 prominent networks and exchanges. This extensive coverage ensures your advertisements will make their mark in the most relevant digital territories.

Financially, AdRoll's track record is impressive, promising around 5x the expense, according to their official site. This is a clear signal that the platform can maximize your advertising investment, ensuring that every dollar spent works harder and smarter.

In addition to its retargeting capabilities, the platform offers a suite of complementary products, including prospecting, and AdRoll Video Ads. The prospecting tool enables programmatic display, helping you track down prospective customers across the digital landscape.

The email retargeting feature enhances your email marketing efforts by allowing you to engage individuals who have shown interest in your brand. Meanwhile, AdRoll Video Ads gives your brand a voice and a face, delivering your message in a dynamic and engaging format. Importantly, AdRoll Video Ads can be used for retargeting and prospecting campaigns. You can also place them as in-stream and out-stream ads. This flexibility ensures that your advertisements are not only seen but also heard, increasing the chances of conversion. 

3. Native Ads

Ever noticed those sponsored posts seamlessly embedded in your favorite news feed? Meet Native Ads, one of the best alternatives for Google Ads in the USA. Just as a chameleon adapts to the color of its surroundings, native ads conform to the editorial style of the site they are hosted on, thereby creating a less intrusive and more engaging user experience. This intuitive advertising format elegantly interweaves with the page content and has found its successful application across diverse domains such as e-commerce, SaaS, small businesses, affiliate marketing, and demand generation marketing.

Native advertising provides a myriad of targeting options that cater to an individual's location, browser, interests, and device preference. What makes it even more compelling is the retargeting capability, allowing advertisers to reconnect with their audience, fanning the flames of their interest.

Native ads are not just effective; they are also cost-efficient. With an average cost-per-click (CPC) of around $0.40 for desktop campaigns and around $0.60 for mobile phones, they offer untold value, particularly for businesses operating on a tight budget. 

4. Linkedin Ads

Linkedin is among the largest networks where professionals engage in networking and growing their social circle. Having over 930 million users, this platform holds professionals from companies, including B2B, SaaS, etc.

For this reason, LinkedIn ads have become one of the best Google Ads alternatives in the USA. Claims have been out there, showing that Linkedin has helped B2B businesses generate quality leads that are more likely to convert. But for this conversion, you have to run profitable campaigns at a CPC of around $5. This means that you will have to opt for a high customer lifetime value or LTV which is between $3,000 to $5,000.

This platform comes with comprehensive filters, allowing ad publishers to run ads depending on the job title, company name, and interests of the audience. You also have the retargeting feature, making Linkedin ads one of the best Google ads alternatives in the USA.

5. Quantcast

Making its mark as a Google Ads alternative that is big on data and audience insights, Quantcast carves out a new path for marketers, helping them reach undiscovered display audiences and thus driving more visits and revenue to their websites. Quantcast Measure empowers advertisers to craft targeted strategies and understand their audience behaviors, all while spying subtle insights into the audiences of their competitors.

Advertisers also get programmatic strategies with Quantcast, helping you with real-time retargeting advertising. This double-edged approach ensures that you can not only attract new customers but also re-engage those who have shown interest in the past.

An intriguing add-on to the Quantcast offering is the Quantcast Choice and Choice Premium. Although it is not an advertising platform, this helps brands that want to consent to GDPR.


So, there you have it, five Google Ads alternatives in the USA. This list is by no means exhaustive; however, it does offer an eclectic mix of options that can help marketers find solutions for their digital advertising needs. All you have to do is select the one that best suits your business goals.

Monetizing website traffic has become vital for online businesses and content creators. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, finding effective ways to turn website visitors into revenue is fundamental to online success. By strategically capitalizing on the influx of users to your site, you can cover operational costs and generate substantial income.

From advertising networks and affiliate marketing to premium content offerings and e-commerce ventures, these methods offer distinct approaches to converting your online audience into a sustainable source of revenue. Balancing these strategies with user experience and content quality is paramount, ensuring monetization efforts enhance rather than detract from your website's overall value. Here are five practical ways to monetize your website traffic:

1. Advertising Networks and Display Ads:

One of the most common monetization methods is through advertising networks and display ads. Google AdSense, for instance, enables you to display contextual ads relevant to your content. When visitors click on these ads, you earn a portion of the advertising revenue. Other ad networks like and Ezoic offer similar services.

To optimize this method, ensure the ads are seamlessly integrated into your website's design and content. However, avoid overwhelming your visitors with too many ads, which could negatively impact user experience and lead to a higher bounce rate.

2. Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is another lucrative way to monetize your website traffic. By partnering with relevant companies or products in your niche, you can promote their offerings to your audience. You earn a commission when your visitors purchase through your unique affiliate and guest post links.

Select affiliate products that align with your website's content and cater to your audience's needs. Transparency is critical – disclose your affiliate partnerships to maintain trust with your visitors. Writing informative and genuine product reviews can be an effective way to drive affiliate sales.

3. Sponsored Content and Native Advertising:

Sponsored content and native advertising involve collaborating with brands to create content that seamlessly fits into your website's style while promoting the brand's products or services. Unlike traditional ads, these forms of monetization often provide valuable information or entertainment to your audience.

When pursuing sponsored content, prioritize partnerships with companies that align with your website's niche and values. It ensures that the content resonates with your audience and maintains the authenticity of your platform.

4. Premium Content and Memberships:

If you have valuable content that your audience is willing to pay for, consider offering premium content or memberships. It could involve creating an exclusive section of your website with in-depth articles, videos, webinars, or downloadable resources only accessible to paying members.

When implementing this strategy, emphasize the unique value that premium content offers. Explain what members can expect to gain, and consider offering various membership tiers to cater to different budget levels.

5. E-commerce and Product Sales:

If you have physical or digital products to sell, your website can serve as an effective e-commerce platform. It could include merchandise, ebooks, and online courses to software tools. A well-designed online store and a seamless checkout process are crucial for converting your website traffic into sales.

Ensure that your products align with your website's niche and provide value to your audience. High-quality product images, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews can build trust and encourage conversions.

Bonus: Donations and Crowdfunding:

While more common than the above methods, some websites successfully monetize their traffic through donations and crowdfunding. If your content is precious or has a passionate following, your audience might be willing to support you financially. Platforms like Patreon, Ko-fi, and Buy Me a Coffee allow you to receive donations from your audience in exchange for exclusive perks or content.

When leveraging this approach, clearly communicate the reasons for seeking donations and the benefits supporters will receive. Showcase how their contributions directly affects the quality and frequency of your content.

In conclusion, monetizing website traffic requires a thoughtful approach that considers your audience's preferences, your niche, and the value you provide. A combination of these methods often yields the best results. However, remember that user experience and maintaining the trust of your visitors are paramount. Overloading your website with ads or compromising the quality of your content for monetization can have long-term negative consequences. Strive to balance revenue generation and delivering value to your audience.


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5 Formas de Monetizar el Tráfico del Sitio Web

Monetizar el tráfico del sitio web se ha vuelto vital para las empresas en línea y los creadores de contenido. A medida que el panorama digital continúa evolucionando, encontrar formas efectivas de convertir los visitantes del sitio web en ingresos es fundamental para el éxito en línea. Al capitalizar estratégicamente la afluencia de usuarios a su sitio, puede cubrir los costos operativos y generar ingresos sustanciales.

Desde redes publicitarias y marketing de afiliación hasta ofertas de contenido premium y empresas de comercio electrónico, estos métodos ofrecen enfoques distintos para convertir a su audiencia en línea en una fuente sostenible de ingresos. Equilibrar estas estrategias con la experiencia del usuario y la calidad del contenido es primordial, asegurando que los esfuerzos de monetización mejoren en lugar de restar valor al valor general de su sitio web. Aquí hay cinco formas prácticas de monetizar el tráfico de su sitio web:

1. Redes Publicitarias y Anuncios Gráficos:

Uno de los métodos de monetización más comunes es a través de redes publicitarias y anuncios gráficos. Google AdSense, por ejemplo, le permite mostrar anuncios contextuales relevantes para su contenido. Cuando los visitantes hacen clic en estos anuncios, usted gana una parte de los ingresos publicitarios. Otras redes publicitarias como y Ezoic ofrece servicios similares.

Para optimizar este método, asegúrese de que los anuncios se integren sin problemas en el diseño y el contenido de su sitio web. Sin embargo, evite abrumar a sus visitantes con demasiados anuncios, lo que podría afectar negativamente la experiencia del usuario y generar una mayor tasa de rebote.

2. Marketing de Afiliados:

El marketing de afiliación es otra forma lucrativa de monetizar el tráfico de su sitio web. Al asociarse con empresas o productos relevantes en su nicho, puede promocionar sus ofertas a su audiencia. Usted gana una comisión cuando sus visitantes compran a través de sus enlaces únicos de afiliados y publicaciones de invitados.

Seleccione productos afiliados que se alineen con el contenido de su sitio web y satisfagan las necesidades de su audiencia. La transparencia es fundamental: divulgue sus asociaciones de afiliados para mantener la confianza con sus visitantes. Escribir reseñas informativas y genuinas de productos puede ser una forma efectiva de impulsar las ventas de afiliados.

3. Contenido Patrocinado y Publicidad Nativa:

El contenido patrocinado y la publicidad nativa implican colaborar con las marcas para crear contenido que se adapte perfectamente al estilo de su sitio web mientras promociona los productos o servicios de la marca. A diferencia de los anuncios tradicionales, estas formas de monetización a menudo brindan información valiosa o entretenimiento a su audiencia.

Cuando busque contenido patrocinado, priorice las asociaciones con empresas que se alineen con el nicho y los valores de su sitio web. Garantiza que el contenido resuene con su audiencia y mantenga la autenticidad de su plataforma.

4. Contenido Premium y Membresías:

Si tiene contenido valioso por el que su audiencia está dispuesta a pagar,considere ofrecer contenido premium o membresías. Podría implicar la creación de una sección exclusiva de su sitio web con artículos detallados, videos, seminarios web o recursos descargables a los que solo puedan acceder los miembros que pagan.

Al implementar esta estrategia, enfatice el valor único que ofrece el contenido premium. Explique qué pueden esperar ganar los miembros y considere ofrecer varios niveles de membresía para adaptarse a diferentes niveles de presupuesto.

5. Comercio electrónico y Venta de Productos:

Si tiene productos físicos o digitales para vender, su sitio web puede servir como una plataforma de comercio electrónico eficaz. Podría incluir mercadería, libros electrónicos y cursos en línea para herramientas de software. Una tienda en línea bien diseñada y un proceso de pago fluido son cruciales para convertir el tráfico de su sitio web en ventas.

Asegúrese de que sus productos se alineen con el nicho de su sitio web y brinden valor a su audiencia. Las imágenes de productos de alta calidad, las descripciones detalladas y las reseñas de los clientes pueden generar confianza y fomentar las conversiones.

Bonificación: Donaciones y Crowdfunding:

Aunque son más comunes que los métodos anteriores, algunos sitios web monetizan con éxito su tráfico a través de donaciones y crowdfunding. Si su contenido es valioso o tiene seguidores apasionados, su audiencia podría estar dispuesta a apoyarlo financieramente. Plataformas como Patreon, Ko-fi y Cómprame un café te permiten recibir donaciones de tu audiencia a cambio de beneficios o contenido exclusivos.

Al aprovechar este enfoque, comunique claramente las razones para buscar donaciones y los beneficios que recibirán los partidarios. Muestre cómo sus contribuciones afectan directamente la calidad y frecuencia de su contenido.

En conclusión, monetizar el tráfico del sitio web requiere un enfoque reflexivo que considere las preferencias de su audiencia, su nicho y el valor que brinda. Una combinación de estos métodos a menudo produce los mejores resultados. Sin embargo, recuerde que la experiencia del usuario y mantener la confianza de sus visitantes son primordiales. Sobrecargar su sitio web con anuncios o comprometer la calidad de su contenido para la monetización puede tener consecuencias negativas a largo plazo. Esfuércese por equilibrar la generación de ingresos y la entrega de valor a su audiencia.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into your website's performance, including how much traffic specific pages receive. Here is how you can see web traffic to a specific page of your website using Google Analytics:

1. Access Google Analytics: Log in to your Google Analytics account and select the website for which you want to view the specific page's traffic.

2. Navigate to Behavior Reports: In the left-hand menu, click on "Behavior" to expand the section, and then select "Site Content" and "All Pages."

3. Search for the Specific Page: On the "All Pages" report, you will see a list of all the pages on your website. Use the search bar or scroll through the list to find the specific page you are interested in.

4. Analyze Traffic Data: Once you have located the page, you can view various metrics related to its traffic. These metrics include the number of page views, unique pageviews, average time on page, bounce rate, and more. This data provides insights into how users are interacting with that specific page.

5. Apply Secondary Dimensions: You can use secondary dimensions to gain more insights. For instance, you can add "Source/Medium" as a secondary dimension to see where the traffic to that page is coming from.

How Can I See Traffic To A Specific Page Of My Blog in Google Analytics?

If you are specifically interested in tracking traffic to a page on your blog, the process is similar to monitoring any other page on your website:

1. Log In to Google Analytics: Access your Google Analytics account and select the website property associated with your blog.

2. Navigate to the All Pages Report: Follow the same steps as mentioned earlier: click on "Behavior," then "Site Content," and finally "All Pages."

3. Find Your Blog Page: Locate the specific page of your blog you want to track. You should use the search bar or search the list to find it.

4. Analyze Page Traffic: Analyze the relevant traffic metrics after finding the page. Pay attention to the number of visits, unique visits, engagement metrics, and traffic sources to understand how that page performs.

5. Use Secondary Dimensions: To delve deeper into the data, consider using secondary dimensions. For example, you can add a "Landing Page" as a secondary dimension to see if users enter your blog through that page.

5 Steps How to Add UTM Tags for WordPress to Track Conversions

UTM tags (Urchin Tracking Module) are essential for tracking the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and understanding how users interact with your website. Here is how to add UTM tags for WordPress to track conversions:

1. Identify the URL: Determine the URL of the page you want to link to from your campaign. It could be a landing page, a specific blog post, or any other page.

2. Use a UTM Link Generator: Utilize a UTM link generator tool, such as Google's Campaign URL Builder. Input the URL of the page, and then fill in the parameters like source, medium, campaign, etc. These parameters define the start of the traffic, the marketing medium, the campaign name, and more.

3. Generate the UTM Link: After filling in the parameters, the UTM link generator will provide you with a URL that includes your specified UTM parameters.

4. Modify Your WordPress Link: In your WordPress editor, whether for a blog post or a page insert the UTM-tagged URL as the link you want users to click on. You can do this by highlighting the anchor text, clicking the link button, and pasting the UTM link.

5. Track Conversions in Analytics: With the UTM tags in place; you can now track the performance of this specific link in Google Analytics. Go to your Google Analytics account, navigate to the relevant property, and check the Campaigns report to see how this link drives traffic and conversions.

By adding UTM tags to your WordPress links, you can precisely attribute traffic and conversions to specific campaigns or sources, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing strategies.

In conclusion, Google Analytics is a treasure trove of insights that can help you understand your website and blog's performance. Using the platform's features, you can easily track web traffic to specific pages and better understand user behavior and engagement. Additionally, employing UTM tags for your WordPress links empowers you to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and campaigns, providing you with actionable data for improving your online presence.

Checking the indexing status of a blog is essential for ensuring that search engines properly recognize and display your content. Indexing refers to the process through which search engines like Google crawl and store web pages in their databases to provide relevant results to user queries. Here's how you can check the indexing status of your blog and ensure its visibility on search engines:

How can the Google search engine check how often a blog is indexed?

Google's search engine is the most widely used platform for discovering new content on the internet. To determine how often Google is indexing your blog, you can follow these steps:

1.    Use Site: Operator: Go to the Google search bar and type "site:" (replace "" with your actual blog domain). Press Enter. Google will display a list of all the pages from your blog currently indexed. The number of results will give you an idea of how much of your content is being indexed.

2.    Set up Google Search Console: Google Search Console is a powerful tool that provides insights into how Googlebot, Google's web crawling bot, interacts with your site. It offers data on indexing, search performance, and more. Connecting your blog to Google Search Console allows you to monitor indexing status, submit sitemaps, and receive alerts about potential issues.

3.    Check Google Cache: Enter "cache:" in the Google search bar. It will show you the cached version of a specific page. If your pages are cached, it indicates that Google has indexed them. However, if the cache needs to be updated or added, it might signal indexing problems.

How do you understand that the site is indexed well?

Indexing your blog well is crucial for search visibility. Here's how you can tell if your blog is indexed effectively:

1.    Search Appearance: When you search for your blog's name or specific keywords related to your content, your blog's pages should appear in the search results. If they don't, it might indicate indexing issues.

2.    Sitemaps in Google Search Console: The Google Search Console provides information about the number of submitted and indexed pages from your sitemap. If the numbers are close, it suggests good indexing. There might be issues with certain pages if there's a significant discrepancy.

3.    Consistent Content Updates: Regularly publishing quality content can positively affect indexing. New posts are often crawled and indexed quickly, showcasing the search engine's recognition of your blog's relevance.

How can you see this in the Google console?

Google Search Console offers detailed insights into your blog's indexing status. Here's how you can view this information:

1.    Performance Report: In the 'Performance' section of Google Search Console, you can see how your blog performs in search results. It provides clicks, impressions, click-through rates, and average position data. This information helps you understand which pages are indexed and how they perform.

2.    Coverage Report: The 'Coverage' section displays the index status of your blog's pages. It highlights errors, valid pages, and pages with issues. This report gives you a clear overview of how well your blog is being indexed and any problems that might need attention.

3.    Sitemaps: Google Search Console allows you to submit your blog's sitemap. It helps Google understand your site's structure and index it more efficiently. The 'Sitemaps' section shows your sitemap's number of abandoned and indexed pages.

How can I see it on the site itself?

You can also assess the indexing status directly from your blog's pages:

1.    Robots Meta Tag: Check your blog's source code for the "robots" Meta tag. This tag gives search engines instructions on indexing specific pages. Ensure that critical pages are not set to "noindex," as this prevents them from being indexed.

2.    XML Sitemap: Many blogs have an XML sitemap that lists all the pages you want search engines to index. You can usually find this at "" It can help search engines index your content more effectively if it's up-to-date and error-free.

3.    Internal Search Function: If your blog has an internal search bar, you can search for specific keywords from your recent posts. It can help you determine if the search function can retrieve and display your content correctly.

In conclusion, checking the indexing of your blog is crucial for its visibility on search engines. Through methods like using Google search Google Search Console and assessing your blog's content and source code, you can ensure that your content is being indexed well and reaching your target audience effectively. Regular monitoring and adjustments based on the insights you gather will contribute to the success of your blog's online presence.

Do you believe that effective communication in live chat can boost customer involvement and increase sales? Generally, do you consider live chat as an effective tool for interaction with potential customers? If not, this article will persuade you to start using live chat as a customer engagement tool.

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Differences between Engagement and Customer Satisfaction

Customer engagement is basically an indicator that shows how much time users spend on your site and the level of interaction with managers before making a purchase. This term implies communication with the staff, asking questions about products or services, picking the best models among several options, etc. In simple words, these are a set of actions that show clients’ interest in products and precede making a purchase.

Customer satisfaction is what comes after making a purchase and trying a product. Satisfaction is the emotions and impression that customers feel after using goods.

How do Organizations measure Customer Engagement and Satisfaction?

To measure whether clients are involved, customer engagement management software is used. Marketers have a set of tools that help identify what portion of website visitors convert into real and regular clients:

Each of these tools helps measure digital customer engagement, make various charts, analyze where customers come from, what kind of activity they do on the website, and get other crucial information about consumer behavior.

For the assessment of customer satisfaction, several metrics are used. These are:

These tools simplify the process of obtaining information and analyzing the level of satisfaction with the product or service.

Most marketers use customer engagement SaaS utilities to collect, process, and analyze data about customer involvement and satisfaction.

How Your Chat Greeting Can Increase Engagement?

Now, let’s talk about how to improve customer engagement. Live chat stands as an effective tool to pump client involvement and start interacting with potential consumers. Adding a chat for website / online chat for website will be an excellent solution due to the following reasons:

  1.     Clients will be able to quickly contact managers for clarifying certain questions.
  2.     Businesses improve customer loyalty by showing care and attention.
  3.     Quick and easy navigation on the website due to hints of a chatbot or a manager.

When a website visitor browses the website, a greeting message can urge him to stay longer, visit new pages, study some products, etc. As a result, real time customer engagement grows, while consumers learn more about your brand, shop, or services. However, the tool will cater to business needs only if used correctly.

How to Begin a Non-Intrusive Chat?

Now, let’s get closer to practice and consider how to develop a responsive, user-oriented live chat for sales without sounding too obtrusive. To show responsiveness, it is important to think about the right chat greeting. When developing a proper welcome message for live chat on your website, take into account the following tips:

  1.     Avoid general phrases and make your message more targeted.
  2.     Use questions to clients to urge them to answer.
  3.     Emphasize your expertise and reputation.
  4.     Avoid being too obtrusive.
  5.     Think about creative messages and avoid commonplace greetings.

Sticking to these principles will help develop effective chat triggers that will urge website visitors to answer and, therefore, improve their engagement.

Few use Cases for Live Chat Triggers to Increase Engagement

Let’s try to develop some examples of how to create a user-oriented live chat that will set potential customers in the right mood.

Example 1 for an online shop of beauty products: “Hello. Have you seen the latest collection of lipsticks? If you want to get more details, let me know.”

Example 2 for a company that deals with repairs: “Hello. We have wide expertise in repairs. Our workers know how to transform your premises from outdated to modern ones. Contact me if you want our designers to make a layout for you.”

Example 3 for an auto car salon: “Hello. Do you need a car that will highlight your status and reputation? Our managers will consult you on models and help choose a suitable auto according to tech specs and other demands.”

Yet, note that to achieve omnichannel customer engagement via live chat, it is important to make it noticeable. For this reason, skilled marketers recommend using the following techniques:

  1. Add an avatar and the name of a manager. Live chat will become more noticeable and look responsive if a customer will know the name of the interlocutor and see his/her photo. This solution increases engagement 2 times and makes live chats more user-oriented.
  2. Add buttons for filter users and their requests. For example, after a greeting message, it is reasonable to place several buttons like “I can’t pay for my order”, “I don’t know how to make an order”, and “I need consultation on the choice of the right model”. By clicking on one of the buttons, customers will be further redirected to a specialized manager who deals with this very score of work. This technique allows reducing the time for problem identification and increases client loyalty.
  3. If you have some personal information about a consumer, use it. If he fills out a contact form or you have access to his shopping cart, you can use this info to make your message more personalized. For example, if a client adds dresses to the cart, writes about a new collection of dresses, and if the client wants to buy shorts, he’s not interested in dresses, and you should better inform him about sales on shorts. This will make a customer experience on your website positive and improve engagement since the client will spend more time looking through the assortment of new dresses or shorts being on sale.
  4. If you know the customer’s name, always use it when addressing. This will also help pump client loyalty.

Skilled marketers know how to control and guide consumer behavior using live chat. However, the analysis of live chat effectiveness must be carried out periodically. Here, a customer engagement platform helps simplify the task and structure information.